Search IAUA Certified Directory of Appraisers and Umpires
Our mission is to establish and maintain the highest level of professional standards and services, safeguarding the rights of both policyholders and insurers throughout the appraisal process.
As part of our commitment to education within the appraisal community, we provide an Appraiser & Umpire Class and Examination for Certification (CPIA & CPIU) at various events throughout the year in a controlled environment. There is no obligation or fee to take the examination.
While we do not provide study materials, at the event we hold a pre-test class discussion regarding the insurance appraisal process as an alternative dispute resolution method. The discussion touches on the test material, but we do expect the audience to be familiar with the Appraisal process.
If you are looking for resources, our General Counsel, Jonathan J. Wilkofsky, is known as the authority on Insurance Appraisal. The legal treatise, The Law and Procedure of Insurance Appraisal, currently in its third edition, was written with the idea in mind to present a text “as accurate, balanced and complete as possible.” It is an excellent resource and can be found at WKFC Law - The Law and Procedure of Insurance Appraisal.
New members, with a few exceptions such as judges, are required to attain Certified Appraiser status before qualifying for the Certified Umpire test. Additionally, members must hold the Certified Appraiser designation for a minimum of 6 months before they become eligible to take the umpire certification.
Those who take and pass the examination will not only gain the opportunity to join our organization (subject to IAUA Board Approval) but also earn the designation of IAUA “Certified Property Insurance Appraiser (CPIA), or IAUA “Certified Property Insurance Umpire (CPIU).” Upon completion and passage of BOTH examinations and IAUA membership, you will receive the distinguished designation of “Certified Property Appraiser and Umpire (CPAU).” Your achievements will be recognized with an official certificate and inclusion on our website as an IAUA Member with your earned designation.
Certified Members must attend an IAUA event every 3 years to maintain their certification(s)—no additional exam required.